Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Why Good Voters Did Something Very Bad

I was reading an article today about undecideds and how they came to the conclusion to vote for Trump. There were several reasons given and the Comey letter and report were only one small part of their decision-making. I was struck by something about their deciding which I had seen before. It's that the Republican campaign machine tends to view the path a voter has to take to voting for their guy(s) as being littered with obstacles they must clear. If you view Trump has despicable and uncouth, then they had to free the voter of that burden by showing Hillary was as dirty, criminal, untrustworthy, and unacceptable. That's one step. You would think the next would be to show that Trump's policies would be very good for America and the particular voters. But no, they focus on the logical obstacles standing in the voter's way. Once that one obstacle (Trump's despicableness) is neutralized they move to your next point of blockage and they work to remove that.

In each of the stories told by the late-deciding voters who went for Trump there were very small judgment calls they made and in each case they tilted to Trump. They probably couldn't tell you in any definitive way why they tilted that way, but some were Republicans who had been part of the "Never Trump" movement and yet they "came home" to the Republican party to vote for him (rather than Hillary or Gary Johnson or anyone else).

about Trump supporters or foreign parties, I notice the same problems ahead: they believe Trump's words about being against war or for a stronger economy and they disregard his actions which speak very clearly for the opposite. They say Trump is anti-war, not like the warmonger Hillary, but they look at his call for more nukes as only a sign he is anti-war. For someone opposed to Trump the call for more nukes is scary and seems only to indicate he wants to blow up the world or somehow blackmail other nations by threatening them with annihilation.

How can people hear his words and disregard his actions? How can they believe him to be despicable and unfit for office, but then vote for him. It seems to me there is a very serious problem here.

Usually a confidence man, a flim-flam man, gains the trust (confidence) of the sucker and then leads them to give up their money for some reason they believe will make them a great return-on-investment, and then the con man simply walks away with the money and leaves the sucker with nothing he can do.

In the case of Trump, he says the words these people want to hear, but then he goes about executing his real strategy and policies which are completely different. Once they've voted for him and he becomes president they won't have any way to stop him. He walks away with the prize. But, what is the strategy? What are his goals? Why more nukes?

Democrats may be able to use some of these campaign techniques to our own benefit or to somehow interrupt them to prevent Republicans from pulling in people based on these lies.

But, once Trump is president we are in a weak position to oppose him. Batten down the hatches and hide your assets!

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