Friday, May 31, 2013

YouTube Video: Grandmasters on Alexander Alekhine


Before the American bad-boy of chess, Bobby Fischer there was the Nazi sympathizing, alcoholic, wife-beating Russian émigré Alexander Alekhine. His play was powerful and is still a tremendous influence. Watch the video to see some of today's Grandmasters commenting on Alekhine and how his chess influenced them.

Credit to ChessVibes for offering this!

Give 'Em Heck Megyn


Apparently Megyn Kelly isn't amused by male contributors to FOX News who denigrate women. Maybe this will lead more Right-leaning women to give their political loyalties some thought.

Free-Market Capitalism or just a Legal Mugging ?


Who controls the price of gasoline? Is there really a free-market auction system or do some people (somehow) manipulate the prices? Do some people who own barges filled with oil park them off-shore to keep oil from the markets?

Why is it people complain about over-regulation by the Democrats and call Democrats Socialists when it is the manipulators who are anti-American anti-Capitalism and, most of all, anti-Free-Market-Capitalism?

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Does Practice Make Perfect?

A friend of mine send this link about practice making perfect and I have a few comments in reply.

“deliberate practice” – a type of practice aiming at correcting mistakes and rich on feedback – is the only factor that explains differences in performance in sports, arts, sciences and intellectual games"
What if your concept of 'perfection' really isn't perfect? Practice all you want and you're just becoming more imperfect.
"practice required to become a national master"
This can vary simply by the stupid changes in the rating system the USCF inflicts on us. An expert friend and I and many others noticed a huge drop in ratings in the 90s-2000s, sending many masters and experts to their rating floor. Why? Nobody knows, but it may have something to do with low-rated kids coming into the system. The result? Thousands of adults simply left competitive chess!
"children have higher neural plasticity"
This idea must be important if the child's first lessons are taking them to perfection, but if they're being taught the wrong things they will only adapt to that quickly and still be far from perfect. It's fine to learn chess  as a 1st language, but if you speak gibberish everyone will notice. On the other hand, the child may indeed learn quicker because there's no mental scar tissue to work around.

Worrisome Things

When the CEO of Exxon says it's better to let the planet die than for people to suffer for lack of oil to use it worries me.

When I read of a two-year-old boy who shoots himself and the Republicans have no interest in gun violence regulation it worries me.

When TEA partiers have a conference call and someone anonymously says the way to change Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine) mind on immigration reform is to shoot her it worries me.

Where are the people who wish to improve our lives instead of destroying things?