Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Where We Stand, Where We're Going

Since 1981, when Ronald Reagan took office as President of the United States of America, we have seen  the wealth of a small minority of Americans grow to unprecedented heights and the middle-class begin to recede. They are today the first generation who do not believe their children will be better-off than they have been. Both Republicans and Democrats have said clearly that "the American Dream is dead".

During these decades we have seen the Republican party nominate men who were patriotic, experienced, intelligent, kind and in a couple of instances extremely wealthy. They represent the Conservative political views of the country and in the case of the wealthy candidates, the very small minority. These men have had the support of racists, activist Christians, the super-wealthy and almost entirely older white people.

There was no plan for them to select these presidential candidates, but in so doing they have made it clear they approve the paternalistic, sexist, racist views in America and they approve the current economic system which is failing us.

They have no plans to improve America. They only want to continue America's preeminence in the world and to continue globalization of trade, so the giant financial empires can expand. They say they recognize problems in America, but they then offer no paths to solving those problems.

These Republican candidates who have become president have also appointed Supreme Court justices and other Federal Court judges who enforce these ideas on the law, even if only by unconscious biases.

During these same decades the Democrats have selected two candidates who became president. Each came into office during a recession and had to face very large issues. President Clinton corrected the economic problems, worked the debt down to a balanced budget, spurred the economy to reduce unemployment fom 7% to 3.75% and tried to create a federal government healthcare system to help uninsured people gain healthcare insurance or at least the healthcare they needed. During this time there were numerous problems, not least of which was the Republican House victory in 1994, and subsequent impeachment. Tens of millions of people were employed!

President Obama came into office at the beginning of a terrible economic collapse not unlike the beginning of the Great Depression. He solved the initial problems associated with that within a year and then began a long slow economic recovery (which is common with financial recessions). To date the economy has newly-employed over 10 million people. He also caught and killed our great terrorist adversary, Osama bin Laden. And, most notably, a new healthcare system was put into place to help more people get coverage.

Republicans stated from day-one they would not work with him and they would try to ruin his presidency. This has limited the gains which might have been made. Thus, the economy is growing, but the nation has lost tremendous wealth (from the initial recession) and not regained that fully.

The Democrats have been trying to ensure the economic system works and that everyone gets a better share of the benefits of their labors.

The current Republican candidate, Donald Trump, is the absolute worst example of Conservatism. He believes women are dogs, that you are either a winner or a nothing. He believes that people of color are all criminals and that being rich is all that matters. He panders to the racists in the nation and has the endorsement of the Ku Klux Klan.

Even he has noted that the economy isn't working well for everyone, but he has a career of exploiting people and refusing to pay people for their work. He loves the current economic system because he has benefited from it hugely. You can't expect he would favor any changes which benefit someone whom he considers incompetent.

The Democratic candidate for president is a woman, a tireless fighter for improving America, a voice for people who have been stifled by the elite, a glass-ceiling breaker and a real leader. She knows the problems middle-class Americans face and she has plans to help solve those problems. She wants to change the system to make it better. She has the experience fighting the Republican 'army' and she has risen to the top to be the most prepared candidate for the presidency in America's history. I'm with Hillary!

Monday, September 19, 2016

Recent Terrorist Attacks in New York City and in New Jersey

It appears they have indeed begun to attack soft targets. They have turned coward and showed they are men of no worth. Their only purpose on this Earth is to harm other people and to die. Is that truly what Mohammed wanted? There is no victory in what they do, no achievement, no gain. It is worthless as are they.

The attacks in Germany and France and now America mean we have to destroy the communications ability of ISIS and to do a better job watching travel by Muslims going to or from America.

I also wonder about their financing. Do they still have sufficient revenues from oil sales or are there other sources they are using? I would not assume they are entirely independent. It is quite logical for some other criminal groups to support them as a way of distracting "western" governments from their other duties.

Politically this is inconvenient, but we are rarely left alone to do what we want domestically. This is life.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Why Donald Trump Should Not Become President

Democrats have shown repeatedly that Donald Trump has great disdain for Americans of many kinds. He openly shown dislike or disdain for people of color, women, immigrants, and pretty much anyone but his own family. He has curiously had his clothing line made overseas and married an immigrant, so it is most confusing. We have shown clearly that he doesn't have the self-control we need in a leader. He has tried repeatedly to follow a script to give better speeches and he fails repeatedly. He is easily provoked by Tweets and seems to have a hair-trigger opinion on everything and everyone. He has regularly picked people he calls "the best" and yet they repeatedly lie or have been found to be doing business with Russians. It might even be possible that Trump himself is in debt to Russians or Chinese or others, but he refuses to release his tax records to let us see. So, aside from being divisive he is personally not up to the important job of national leader.

I can argue many of his policies are bad for America, but just as importantly they have been declared by experts (military or foreign policy) to be infeasible. He would separate America from its allies and make new enemies. He can't be trusted to keep us safe. His apparent fascination with nuclear weapons is just startling and horrifying. Then there is the question of whether he has policies he truly would execute. He has changed his stand on several policies overnight. It's really not clear what he stands for, except perhaps for the fantasmagorical Wall to keep out the invaders from the South.

His intelligence, his character, his truthfulness, his worldliness, his sincerity, are all in doubt. We have never elected such a person to be president and we shouldn't start now.