Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Turning Carbon Dioxide into Coal !

Science is a process people use to learn about the world. When the early alchemists tried to turn lead into gold they were not true to the rules of nature. But, today they've learned how to turn carbon dioxide gas back to coal (or something else solid like coal). This gives us a chance to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and put it into a form for storage or to be put to other uses.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Political Issues: Peace Prize and Healthcare

Trump's Nobel Peace Prize

I'd like to say Trump, Kim, Moon, and Xie deserve the Nobel Peace prize, but I think it would require Trump to make a public statement denouncing racism. The trouble is that he lies so often and words seem to mean so little to him that nobody would believe him. So, I think we will have to wait for observable results before any discussion of prizes can be taken seriously.

U.S. Healthcare

During the 2007-08 period there was a lot of talk about a "public option" to ensure everyone would have a healthcare choice they wanted. That didn't happen, but in light of the constant Republican attack on the PPACA/ACA/Obamacare, the threat of converting fully to Medicare for All has continued. It occurs to me that a good hybrid would be to offer to people who don't qualify for employer-backed insurance or regular ACA coverage or other kinds, Medicare as their Public Option. Add on top of that the idea that if the ACA goes away then Medicare would be open to more people and it would tend to take healthcare off the table as a political issue. The question of whether the ACA is to be eliminated would no longer require political fights or legislation. It would simply automatically enable people to switch to the public option Medicare. There are other benefits of the ACA which are very useful and provide ample reason it should not be removed, but at least people who can afford Medicare wouldn't be kicked brutally to the roadside. The other issue is the subsidy and that is integral and important for the ACA and a good reason to keep it. I have yet to hear the "Medicare for All" backers explaining how the subsidy would work in their system. Marrying those two ideas would be useful.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Politics of the Green New Deal

I hate hearing Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) giving speeches about Democrats and our policies or legislation. If there is any way he an misrepresent our ideas he will. He's only a slightly more sophisticated speaker than Louis Gohmert (R-TX), another gasbag Texan. No wonder they have so much wind energy. They have all the politicians they need to generate a constant and large supply of wind.

However, Democrats need to keep it together and not provide the Republicans with ammunition with which to attack us. A resolution isn't a bad thing in itself, but a nebulous wish-list which is just pie in the sky should be avoided. For one thing, we don't have all the time in the world to gain more political power and push through legislation which will be very effective. We can't afford to waste time fulfilling fantasies which fade like the morning mist.

I know Sen. Cornyn's representation of the Green New Deal is probably all nonsense, but Democrats have to face the facts: he will take any opportunity to attack us, so legislation which isn't rock solid should be avoided.

Congratulations on the deal to avoid government shutdown.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

State of the Union Speech

I thought it would be a waste of time to listen to Donald Trump, so I watched a movie. But, it wasn't just any movie. It was "The Hunting of the President".

It's the story of how the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy tried to destroy the Clintons. It's important to remember what the VRWC did and how they trampled people, but given our current knowledge of political affairs it's also important to perhaps revise our views of what was happening in the 1990s.

After watching the movie I saw there was a "special feature", so I looked at that. It was a talk Pres. Clinton gave in the theater just after the opening premiere of the movie. He spoke from the stage directly to the audience, which included some of the people who had been victims of the Starr inquisition. He especially pointed out Susan McDougal. I recommend her book, The Woman Who Wouldn't Talk.

In his talk, Pres. Clinton spoke of the events from a historical perspective as well. He talked about certain major turning points in America's history. If only he knew what we do today about the involvement of Russians with the American Right Wing and the Republican Party, he would have to revise and extend his remarks.

We aren't done with Donald Trump, nor he with us. But, the American history books have to be rewritten and any collusion with Russians has to be included. That may connect the story of events from the 1980s through to today in a more accurate way. Some of it may never be known and some of it may be known by officials in our government, but never to be released to the public. The history books have to explain at least the broad sweep of events and some reasons. I suspect there are key elements to this story which we have yet to learn. But one thing is certain, it wasn't just domestic politics. It wasn't just revenge on the Clintons because Hillary was involved in a very small way during the Nixon impeachment days and it wasn't just a different brand of American politics. It has been far more interesting and difficult than that.