Sunday, July 28, 2019

Anger at Trump Or Policy Differences?

I've heard some Republicans say that Democrats just don't like Trump or they are still upset that he won the election Democrats thought was in the bag. The way I see it is that everyone knew Donald Trump was not fit for office and yet he was elected. That's disturbing. Then there were the questions about his connections to Russia. That's disturbing. So, yes, there were plenty of reasons to not like Donald Trump, the person, his history, his rhetoric, and his lack of style debase America and disgusts everyone.

But more than that, we hate his policies. And it's this which leads us to call for his impeachment. We don't impeach someone for winning -- not like the Republicans who said they would impeach Hillary Clinton IF she won the presidency. That's wrong. No, the Democrats hate Donald Trump's presidential rhetoric which divides America and inflames hatreds and supports our enemies. We hate his governmental policies like caging immigrant children and separating them from their parents. We hate his deregulation in the EPA which makes our air and water more dangerous for people's health. We hate his economic policy of giving tax cuts to a handful of people who are already rich and to corporations which don't use the additional revenue to support their workforce or corporate growth. We hate his policy of private conversations with Vladimir Putin and inviting Russians into the Oval office and generally tilting U.S. policy toward Russia in every way. We hate his trade policy of tariffs and subsidy to farmers. We hate his name-calling of the media which endangers the freedom of the press and of speech. We hate his obvious racism when he created a ban on Muslims coming into America. We hate his abuse of planned budgeting & spending to divert monies to building a wall across the southern border. We hate his withdrawal from the JCPOA treaty with Iran and several other nations. We hate his ineptitude in relations with China and North Korea. We hate that he pledged to create an infrastructure law and then he didn't carry through. We hate that he used special privilege to get security clearances for family members who should never have had that. I could go on.

We hate almost everything he has said or touched. I'm hard-pressed to think of one of his policies which isn't bad for America. He's a disaster.

Weighing the dislike of him personally and of his policies it's clear Democrats dislike his policies enough to make a campaign based on being better for America than Donald Trump's policies.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Children and Guns

I've written about guns a few times in the past, but the Republicans stifle every attempt to regulate them. Here's a new article from

When is enough enough?