Monday, May 26, 2014

Selling Tesla Everywhere

The Dept. of Justice should challenge in court any state law banning the interstate sale of Tesla cars as a violation of interstate commerce law.

Isn't it the height of hypocrisy for the Right-Wingers to cry all the time about free trade and market capitalism and then to pass laws restricting it because they don't like the electric car?

Friday, May 23, 2014

"Happy" Strikes Fear in Iranian Conservatives

The kids were arrested for a short time, scolded and set free. There appears to be some balance between the conservative religious leaders and common sense. Kids want to be happy.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Is Russia running the revolt in Ukraine?

Take a look at the articles at these two URLs!

Forbes magazine has a series of articles (all at this one URL) on the topic:

Putin's man in Ukraine:

Looming problems Republicans will never fix

Republicans have already said they only want lower taxes on the rich, less government spending unless its borrowed money and more war. Well, there are other problems we know about and then there are the looming (mostly) unseen problems and Republicans, you can bet, are against fixing them.

Take a look at the articles at these URLs (web sites):

Pension funds at risk!

Energy prices may skyrocket!

Republicans are still having trouble putting gun locks on guns to prevent children from killing one another. They continue to talk about repealing Obamacare despite it helping millions of people get health care insurance for the first time in their lives. Their obsession at the moment is Benghazi, but they don't care about raising the minimum wage to help people and to push the economy.

Republicans simply say "No" to everything but destroying stuff. I don't know why.