Friday, December 23, 2016

Calculating GDP

For a long time now, we have seen how the GDP has risen and 99% of the people haven't seen their share of it. Then Republicans started saying we should spend more money on the military (what they call "defense") and count that as boosting the GDP. I think it's for show and to benefit big corporations. But again, how does it help the 99%?

I propose we begin counting military and intelligence community spending as negative values against the GDP. We can't eat them or sleep in them or drive them, so all those 'defense' expenditures are costs of staying safe, but they are not positive things like more computers, cars, clothing, housing, toys, etc.

Let's put the numbers right and begin to realize what is valuable and what is cost.

If corporations can count employees wages as merely costs, then we can also count government spending things the way that matter to us.

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