Friday, June 30, 2023

Supreme Court Strikes Down Goodness

The United States Supreme Court of Appeals has decided that America is now fully equal for all the races, and we need not provide any support (or presumably regulation) on that issue. This ruling is most likely going to result the way the erasure of voting rights protections has gone — racist states will immediately take advantage and show racism is still quite real and damaging.

To be sure, if we are to eliminate assistance to minority groups, who face damaging racist behaviors, then we must ensure that all government-created racism in schools is also eliminated. It means we have to back that up ruling with enforced equal funding for all students around the country. That would be a statement that we are no longer racist, but I doubt it's what the racists on the Supreme Court intend.

America faces some dark days ahead, and the forces of Evil are enjoying every minute of this.

The Left in America must respond forcefully. Individuals must be called to take a side in this war. Many individuals benefit from policies the Liberals put into law and then forget. They may think they aren't part of that movement, but when the Right strike down laws, they need to be reawakened to their position in this struggle.

Constitutional changes happen slowly, so we will suffer from this Court for a long time. The people who enabled this or stood by and watched it happen will suffer for their laisser faire attitude.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

When the Tax System Works for the Rich

The story in this article is infuriating, perhaps surprising to some people, and an indicator of how our political system is severely harmed by big money.

When the tax code is written by the money people, it will benefit ONLY the rich and this article indicates several ways it happens -- and most people don't have any reason to become familiar with these techniques/loopholes. But we need to know. When some people pay most of the taxes (as a percentage of their incomes), it's not fair, people lose faith in their government, people become confused and angry, and even our adversaries can laugh at us with cause.

We need to fix these when they come to light, but when do they come to light? This article is the first I've read since ProPublica or Vox did an investigation of the issue. It's not every day. Too many other things take our attention and time. Perhaps now, with one of the biggest tax cheats in history being charged with federal crimes in the news every day (Donald Trump), we can see how the tax system is used and abused.