Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Hate and Leadership

We don't need to be inspiring one another to hate, even if that leaves us at a disadvantage against political opponents who do engender hate. When Donald Trump says he doesn't think about Alt-Right and doesn't know why they support him and doesn't believe Steve Bannon is racist, he's showing very clearly why he isn't the ideal person to be president.

Sheriff David Clarke: If You're Upset At Being Called 'Boy' You're Hypersensitve

These are stories I don't think I would have read if Donald Trump had made an effort to keep hate out of his campaign. He could have avoided hiring Steve Bannon, but he didn't.

We've already gone through a turbulent time discussing and observing the relationship of police to the African-American communities in various cities across the country. Now, we have the KKK endorsing Trump.

Just a reminder about who the public supports the most:

Hillary Clinton currently leads in the popular vote by about 2 million votes, but she did not win the electoral college. Our Democratic processes seem to be failing us.

1 comment:

  1. That's why we pledge allegience " the Republic for which it stands..." We are a Republic, not a Democracy. Always have been. As they say, "You can look it up!'


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