Sunday, October 9, 2016

The Campaign: October 9, 2016 -- after Hurricane Donald

There is an old adage that if things aren't going the way you want you should just blow everything up and start over. When one person's life is a mess we don't blow up all of society to accomodate them. That is what some Republicans and Donald Trump would have us do. We can withstand this craziness which this presidential campaign has become and we will continue. America is a strong place and we know how to recreate ourselves into a better place and people.

What those who would blow up things want is to put everyone off their feet, so that in the aftermath they have a chance to take control of events. We have seen this before. America has tragically had ups and downs which have destroyed people: stock market crashes, bad food or drugs in the marketplace, scandals revealed, accidents, and more. We don't make many excuses for the criminals and we don't change the rules to retroactively excuse them. What do we do? We try to hold things together and move forward. Those who upset the applecart and hurt people need to face judgment and punishment.

What would Donald Trump have us do, excuse him, disregard his behavior, his policies, and his language? Should we allow everyone to think that in the future there are no rules? That way is only chaos and disaster. The Republican party picked Donald Trump. They could have vetted him more carefully, but they didn't. Who made that mistake? It wasn't Hillary, the Democrats, the media, or anyone else. They have identified their values, their beliefs, and the kind of man they believe in. That won't change even if Donald Trump were to step aside. The die is cast. The stain is there, and like Ophelia's it will not out.

The typical response from Republicans in the face of a minor tragedy is to attack Democrats and try to pull everyone down into the gutter. They seem to think that if we are all dirty, then they won't be noticed. I've already seen examples of this today by several individuals and groups within the Conservative movement. That is truly disgusting behavior. Democrats can't clean their own hands entirely. We are all human. But, Hillary has done nothing similar to Trump. She isn't perfect, but she will never be like the Trump.

Now is time to pull America together after the storm. It isn't time to forgive and forget, but to simply to put things back into working order, pull together, and move on.

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