Thursday, October 13, 2016

Ethics, Morality, and Political Expediency in this Year's Campaigns

Donald Trump has said some despicable things. How people react is interesting.

Recent polling information indicates that if only men voted Trump would win the presidency in a landslide. This, to me, is incredible. Have these men no mothers, wives, girlfriends, sisters, or daughters?

Trump immediately seized on this and called for the 19th Amendment to the Constitution be repealed. The 19th Amendment recognizes the right of women to vote and Trump would be happier if they couldn't.

When other politicians weigh situations like this they have in mind the effects on the nation, their party, their own political lives and perhaps other things. Still, when someone like Donald Trump sets the landscape in this dramatic fashion it escapes me how anyone can refuse to walk away from him and denounce the things he has said.

Yet, that has happened.

Senator Charles "Chuck" Grassley, Republican of Iowa, says it doesn't matter what Trump has said.

Senator Debra Fischer, Republican of Nebraska, at first said she couldn't support Trump and then she flipped back to saying she would support the Republican party ticket, including Donald Trump.

Yes, two Republican senators from the breadbasket of America, supposed home of the moral people of America, say they don't think Donald Trump is a bad person who has said bad things.

As one person recently wrote on a discussion board, the Republicans will never again be able to claim they have the moral high-ground on any issue.

One Republican Congressman went even further, saying that if Trump called for rape, he would still support Trump.

It is inconceivable and yet it has happened.

How far will Republicans go to "play politics" to win political power, despite horrible policies, horrible candidates, and obviously untenable positions on social values or morality?

Though I disagreed with Mitt Romney (Republican party candidate for the presidency in 2012) on policy issues, I didn't doubt his character and intelligence. So, it comes as little surprise that the good people of the state of Utah are showing the Christian Right what it means to stand for morality and not just party labels.

As of yesterday Trump and Hillary Clinton were tied and a 3rd or 4th-party candidate was tied or ahead of them! Utah has not voted for a Democrat for president since 1964 (for the Liberal Lyndon Johnson).

Will the Christian Right figure this out? Will they stay away from Trump?

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