Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Oil Prices and Politics

When the Republicans aren't winning political battles they beat on the economy like a dead horse until it really gives out. Today's effort is the roundabout attack by having OPEC countries raise oil prices.

If you believe I am imagining a conspiracy then review the period from 1996-2000 when the Republicans investigated and impeached Pres. Clinton, raised interest rates faster and farther than ever before, and stole the Florida presidential election to give the presidential votes to the Conservative Supreme Court, which gave the presidency to George W. Bush by 1 vote.

You may also want to look at the period just before the 1992 election when Pres. George H. W. Bush got us into the Iraq War to boost spending and ensure his re-election. He failed because Bill Clinton was just that good at politics. Candidate for the presidency Donald Trump tweeted that Pres. Obama would no doubt get us involved in a war to help ensure his re-election. Trump was wrong, but it shows that using war and depressing the economy for re-election were on the minds of Republicans. Later, Donald Trump, and others, discussed the likelihood of his re-election in 2020 if the COVID-19 virus had no ravaged America and brought down the economy.

James Carville was right in 1992 when he said, "It's the economy, stupid".

What can the Biden administration do about oil prices? Very little. But, he should put the Saudis (who are the largest oil producer in OPEC) on notice that their behavior will not be rewarded by Democrats.

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