Saturday, October 28, 2017


Iraq & Kurds

I was sorry to hear that Iraq decided to attack Kurds instead of rewarding them for their tremendous help in fighting ISIS. It shows that having the majority does NOT always translate to intelligence about how to govern. Lack of power sharing is part of what caused Saddam Hussein to be hated so. America should make it clear we are friends with the Kurds and will help them any time they need help in the future.

Kurds lose their independence gamble, ask Iraq for ceasefire and talks – ThinkProgress

Airbus & Bombardier

I was very happy to hear of the Airbus & Bombardier connection. I don't think it will hurt American aircraft manufacturers so much as it will inspire them to compete more. It should also be good for Honeywell, who manufacture engines for (at least some of) the Bombardier aircraft.
Why Airbus's tie-up with Bombardier is so damaging for Boeing video on the Bombardier Learjet 75:  Pilot Report: Flying the Learjet 75 - YouTube
Yes, Bombardier owns the Learjet which was originated by an American named Lear in Texas, USA.


This stunning statement from General Motors will keep Big Oil up at night – ThinkProgress

With fast-charging, electric cars will soon match or beat gasoline cars in every respect – ThinkProgress

Tesla unveils 'first of many solar+storage projects' at hospital in Puerto Rico | Electrek

The increasingly irresistible case for electrifying city buses

Oil giant Shell buys leading operator of electric vehicle charging stations | TheHill


There's a reason politicians don't believe businesses should be left to regulating themselves. Here is one example:
This Company Added the Word 'Blockchain' to Its Name and Saw Its Shares Surge 394% - Bloomberg


As people become more aware of the dangers and lack of privacy of most e-mail, they may switch to others which offer more.
Here is one example: ProtonMail as a Gmail alternative


This story caught my eye and the videos are fascinating. Home sweet home...
This is the Most Detailed Map of the Universe to Date

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