Monday, January 9, 2017

Syrian Political Reformation

If Russia, working with Turkey, can achieve a good reformation of Syrian affairs, so that America is happier, I would expect some of the economic sanctions could be reduced. Each step in a direction we find more acceptable and which makes everyone (in the world) safer would be reciprocated with more reduction of sanctions.

Another issue which is important is further nuclear arms reductions. Doing that would save Russia and America money and that is something America has wanted for quite some time. Achieving that would probably also lead to sanctions reductions.

Another issue of great importance to America and the world is the problem of North Korean nuclear weapons. They continue to threaten and to build more capable weapons. The Chinese haven't been able to do much to persuade them to change, but perhaps the Russians could.

Another issue of importance to America, Western Europe and NATO is some kind of agreements on how and where NATO should put assets which will not upset Russia. This is a critical issue since Putin's plan to create a NovoRussia empire is unsettling for all the nations on its borders. An international conference (or series of them) on this might help achieve some new norms which make everyone happier.

An issue which has received a lot of attention recently is hacking. We in America know the issue is important, and we assume everyone in the world does. So, a process by which Russian, American, and technology people from all around the world could work together to improve network and computer security would be very beneficial. A part of that could be some new studies on the use and effectiveness of the Bitcoin-based technology blockchain.

Any such useful productive behaviors would be signs of improvement and would thus be followed by another. If a positive cycle of such improvements and agreements can occur, then I believe everyone would be happier.

For now the first step is completion of the Syrian plan.

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