Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Wealth Inequality and Revenue Sharing -- When the Music Plays You Dance

Recently the topic of wealth inequality has come to the fore. The economy in the 1990s was doing very well and the incomes of the middle-class went up, so everyone was pretty happy. Still, the gap between the 1% or even the 0.1% and the rest of us grew larger and larger. Today we have realized that since the most recent recession began the wealthiest among us has gotten every single new dollar of growth from the economy. There's something very strange about that. Worker productivity has gone up and they get nothing?

The root of the problem lies in our past as we began to see the wealth disparity beginning about 1980. In an article for the Prospect magazine there is an explanation of some economic ideas which may have been the root of this. It's an excellent article for describing this issue, it's beginnings and even current trends.

When Shareholder-Capitalism Came to Town

We need to study this and ways to roll back its worst effects!

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