Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Energy Legislation

The Keystone XL pipeline isn't popular among Democrats in Congress. It just isn't going to help America very much. Why spend so much time on it?

On the other hand, we have an abundance of natural gas and there is legislation about Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) coming out of Alaska. That's much more appealing. It's produced in America, shipped to America or perhaps exported to Europe and we get continuing employment and profits for Americans.

Of course, Republicans have proposed the bill, so there's a chance they want to do the project in protected placed. That's not good. But, aside from that it's probably a winner.

Since there are innovators trying to build electric cars, solar panels, wind turbines and the like it's natural somebody would be working to use this natural gas we're producing. I just happened upon a great article today which highlights one of those.

Electrified Truck Power Train Can Cut Fuel Use By Half

America is an innovative & creative place. We can solve our energy problems and produce useful products for the world while employing more people at good-paying jobs.

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