Friday, August 2, 2024

Policy Debate

When Senator Lindsay Graham says the Republicans would love a policy debate, what he really means is they want nothing to do with policy discussions, but would love to hear Democrats try to explain their ideas. They don't believe the voters really think about policies or compare the Republican and Democratic policies to pick candidates.

However, policies are important, as the Congressional vote yesterday shows. The Democrats proposed an Expanded Child Tax Credit and the Republicans blocked it. Democrats wanted to help a lot of families and Republicans, who claim to be pro-Family, didn't want it. The Republicans see this as a political thing, and they don't want Democrats to “win”. For them, it's all about political power, and letting Democrats “win” hurts Republican chances in elections. Their thoughts are NOT with ordinary families.

One piece of legislation doesn't make a mountain, but when the Republicans block Climate Change legislation, that may serve their financial backers, but it has the potential to hurt all humankind. It's hardly small potatoes.

Here's a link to an article about the Expanded Child Tax Credit legislation:

How many other “small” “political” pieces of legislation that they would block are worth consideration? How many Republican proposals have the potential to make life in America horrible? They've already given huge tax gifts to billionaires who back them and the government goes further in debt, which the next generation will have to pay. They've already taken away a woman's personal control over her body when she wants and needs an abortion. Not only that, but they want to take over the education of all the children with religious materials in the schools. Isn't it some kind of slavery to have your life controlled that much by people with whom you disagree?

Legislation and the policies they put in place are very important, but the Republicans don't want you to have that “win”. I suggest telling them what you think at the ballot box. Make them “losers” in elections and on the policy front.

Stay cool and safe. Hydrate. And, VOTE in November.

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