Sunday, August 18, 2024

Democratic Party Platform -- Draft (link)

The 2024 Democratic Party Convention starts soon, but we can already browse a draft of the Party Platform. <---- Click there to see it.

It would be nice to see nothing about Donald Trump in there, but as a political document that seems impossible to avoid.

I'd like to see a list of general areas and a note of how many specific ideas are listed below it in a (example) form:

3 Guns (4 items)

3.1 Ban assault rifles

3.2 Enable red-flag laws in all states

3.3 Enable gun confiscation if ordered by a judge to protect a spouse.

3.4 Require liability insurance for all gun-owners.

This kind of link list would help people scan the whole document and find their issue. Links would lead to the page (or place within the whole document) where that item is detailed.

There will naturally be some issues which are difficult to explain in a limited document, but it's best to list them anyway -- it shows we're thinking of everything.

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