Monday, August 5, 2024


Boeing went Wall St. It sold its soul. It did a lot of stock buybacks instead of product investment. It made some mistakes and might be losing so badly it should fail.

But wait, it's a national defense contractor and so large that few, if any, other companies could buy it to fix it.

What to do?

A lot of ordinary people say, "Let it die". This note says a lot about the public view:


Clearly, the public is not in a mood to save large corporations from their own greed and stupidity.

I might suggest a strong dose of "break them up and sell the parts". In particular, break off the national defense part (if that's possible) and protect that, while dealing with the rest as if it were a completely separate oligarchic company.

This is a job for government and "the market will adjust" does not work here. It doesn't work when the corporation is "too big to fail", too ¨critical for the work force and economy of a region of the country", or any other reason.


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