Sunday, July 7, 2024

What's the Plan?

Senator Sanders said that Joe Biden needs to outline his plan for the next four years, describe the agenda, explain why we need it and connect with voters.

That's pretty good advice. My view is that the facts of the presidential campaign lay out the major issue of this election: Democracy, will it continue. Perhaps even more fundamental is whether the People will remain the Sovereign or if a rich elite, primarily headed by Donald Trump, will become a superior class which controls America and derives all the benefits of being an American citizen.

For example, Donald Trump has said he will take over the government and make it compliant with HIS policies rather than the laws written by Congress. He has said that he will continue reducing taxation of the rich. He has said they will continue to reduce government influence or restrictions on the rich and their organizations. All of these shift power away from the people and their elected members of Congress to Donald Trump and the rich who support him. It's like a multi-level marketing business, where the lower-class people must pay the upper-class people to get some benefit. It's the ultimate Cronyism. Democracy is on the line, with the alternative being a kind of horrible arrangement that would even allow the government to deny citizenship to a child born in America of American citizen parents. It's sickening.

So, the stakes are high, the policies are completely different, the horrors of the Right are clear to everyone (including Trump's own supporters), and Senator Sanders says this needs to be made clear to the public. As if it isn't clear already.

President Biden aims to protect Democracy, to uphold the laws, and to advocate for policy changes, both large and small, which will improve the lives of everyone -- today's Sovereign, "We the People".

One could argue that it's about money or the power to inflict the views of a minority over the entire nation (religious, racist, financial, etc.). But, once you realize all that is connected and that the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy wants all of those things, then you realize it isn't like a debate between John Kennedy and Richard Nixon in 1960. It's more like a debate between George Washington and King George of England. It's a fight for the Western Civilization.

This couldn't be more clear. Save yourself, your nation, your religion, your money, your World, vote for the Democratic Party candidate, whomever it may be.

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