Thursday, July 11, 2024

Donald Trump's 2024 Republican Party Platform, or Project 2025

Despite his lies about Project 2025, Donald Trump has gone to the trouble of drawing up a "Platform" for the 2024 Republican Party. It's terrible. Anything coming from that man's mind is a nightmare. See for yourself.

Donald Trump's Republican Party Platform for 2024  ( Note:  This is from a long document and is incomplete. )

1 Seal the border.

That's practically impossible and undesirable. America is a very appealing place for those people who flee their homes to find a safer better life. If Trump wants America to be like his beloved Russia, he would have to destroy it. Looking at the rest of his "Platform", that's what he appears to have in mind.

2. Largest deportation in history

There's no call for that except racism. It's not practical or useful. We need a lot of the immigrants to make our economy stronger since America's population isn't growing quickly. Besides, Pres. Biden has been deporting more than at any time when Trump was president. This was possibly also true when Pres. Obama got some hate back from the Latino community for deportations.

3. End inflation

It's already ended except for in the Housing sector and there's nothing a president can do on that without Congress.

4. Make America the dominant energy producer

It already is. Pres. Obama opened up oil production and "We're Number 1".

5. Stop outsourcing.

No company today could get work done if that were stopped. He may have meant off-shoring, but that too would be impossible since we use so many products from abroad.

6. Large tax cuts for workers.

Who will pay the taxes if he insists on this and tax cuts for billionaires? Apparently he just wants to bankrupt America.

7. Defend our Constitution.

This is where we know the entire document is a joke. His plan to overthrow the election of 2020 with the January 6th attack on the Capital and Congress was a complete abrogation of his duties, as president, to defend the Constitution.

I'll stop here. The rest is as bad. It's clearly a desperate stupid attempt to please some Moderate Republicans or Independents, but it's awfl or unbelievable.

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