Thursday, January 26, 2017

Lock 'Em Up

E-Mail Servers:

During the 2016 presidential campaign, the Republicans yelled "Lock her up!" to express their feelings about Hillary Clinton and her use of a private e-mail server and (allegedly) sending classified documents via that e-mail server. Well, now the tables have turned a bit. It seems some White House Republicans are using the Republican National Committee's (private) e-mail server instead of the official federal government system. Lock 'em up!

Lock Him Up: Trump's White House Is Using a Private Email Server

Illegal Votes:

Trump has argued recently that 3 to 5 million illegal votes were cast for Clinton and now he is going to have it investigated. Democrats welcome that investigation and we are happy to report that already we have found some cheaters -- people who are registered to vote in more than one place. Actually, though Trump claims dead people are voting and some people are voting in more than one place, it isn't illegal to be registered in more than one place, only to vote more than once. But, per Trump's claim we now know his own advisor Steve Bannon was registered (until yesterday after Trump's announcement) in two states and that Trump's daughter Tiffany is still registered in two states. Lock 'em up!

Trump's "Voter Fraud": Tiffany Trump, Bannon & Mnuchin all Registered to Vote in Two States

Russian Hackers Become Traitors:

Perhaps Trump could take a lead from Vladimir Putin, who has recently had some of his own operatives arrested for treason. Those charged were involved with hacking the Democratic National Committee e-mail system.

Lock 'Em Up -- for the good of America.

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