Monday, January 9, 2017

Is America Becoming Two Big Bubbles at War?

At the Golden Globes Awards, Meryl Streep spoke about America's problem and "called out" people who are bullies and who abuse the weak. Some Republicans took offense and replied. Meghan McCain tweeted and it produced a quick back-and-forth.

There was a time when either party could re-position itself when it had gone too far in one direction or another. They could "pull back". Today that doesn't seem true, and the divide between the two is significant, without much overlap. While the issue isn't slavery or economics, the things which led to the Civil War, they are very important. Is this just an artifact of the Trump era? I don't think so. The Republicans were vicious in their attacks against the Clintons and other Democrats going back a long way.

This situation isn't exactly new now, but it has reached a peak because of the loss the Democrats suffered in the recent elections and the particularly vicious nature of the Trump supporters.

This is bad.

Kevin Drum has his own take on the whole "bubble" "controversy":

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