Saturday, December 24, 2016

Several Things to Ponder

Tax Reform and Infrastructure Spending

Democrats need to prepare legislation to specify infrastructure spending we would like, in case the bill the Republicans are preparing includes an infrastructure component which is one they would prefer. We could offer ours as an amendment to 'fix' their bill. If they don't include infrastructure spending we prefer we should simply vote against the bill.

Russian Hacking and American Democracy

It may seem strange, but Russian Hacking disrupts U.S. Democracy and it is not good for Russia. Our system works best when it works the way it is designed to work. We have produced policies for international relations which have improved the world (though not without some mistakes) and when Russians or Republicans interfere with this process it may help them in the short-run, but it can produce major problems for everyone. Take the case we've seen recently, where Donald Trump tweets he wants a new arms race. Would Hillary Clinton have done that? Sure sure, Putin may think Hillary is a dangerous person who wants war, but the reality is already clear: Trump is so inept as president that even before he has taken office he is disrupting all international relations and endangering us all. Hillary Clinton, for all her faults, would never have done that. Russia should wish America well and hope we do better. It's in their interest.

The Sins of the Leader: Conflicts of Interest

How many of the cabinet position nominations Donald Trump has made require close inquiry and study because of their "conflicts of interest"? Would this have been the truth if Trump himself did not have that problem hanging over his head? Trump needs to divest himself of his various "conflicts of interest" and focus more on governing.

Republicans on the Loose

With the power of a president who will sign nearly anything, the Republicans may feel they have terrific power. They can ignore Democrats to a large extent, but they can't ignore the natural effects of whatever policies they may enact. If they create a tax reform plan which doesn't work, it will be they who will be the culprits. If they destroy the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) it will be they who will have ruined the healthcare of millions of people. Tread lightly and carefully, the future is always there waiting to condemn your mistakes.


Isn't it time to create another indicator of how well our economy is doing? We've seen GDP go up when there is military spending that nobody can use. We've seen the wealth gap grow and grow and grow and the 99.99% aren't doing better despite the GDP increases. It's time to rethink this thing, so we have a better indication of where we stand.

For some easy reading on the topic:

Weapons of Economic Misdirection | Thoughts from the Frontline Investment Newsletter | Mauldin Economics

and one I haven't read (nor do I endorse or deny it's value),

GDP: A Brief but Affectionate History: Diane Coyle: 9780691156798: Books


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