Tuesday, December 20, 2016

A Few Important Current Issues for Trump and the next Congress

Health and Safety

There is a lot of reason for special spending on people's health and safety in some small areas of the country. I'm sure the government has excellent information on this, but the following articles about fentanyl and "Oxy Pills" and "Lead Levels" points to the same areas a lot of our infrastructure spending should focus.

The stunning rise of deaths from the pain drug fentanyl, in one chart - Vox

Nine Million Oxy Pills To One Pharmacy In Town Of 392 People | Crooks and Liars

Reuters: 3,000 Neighborhoods Have Higher Lead Levels Than Flint

Sentencing Reform

In the drive for sentencing reform and efforts to get our incarceration rates in line with "common sense" the following article discusses "Marijuana Legalization".

International Law Expert On Support For Marijuana Legalization: 'Common Sense Is Prevailing' | Benzinga

International Trade

Just how far will the EU go to piss off American corporations?

Will Trump let the EU kill a US manufacturing deal? | TheHill

"The Wall"

It appears there isn't a uniform support for a giant wall along the southern U.S. border with Mexico. In a way there is a silver lining since this means the amount of increased border security or literal wall that may need to be built (per Trump's campaign promises) has to be smaller and more affordable. If walling up part of the border shifts crossings to states like Texas that's their problem.

Reality Smacks Trump As He Has Zero Congressional Support For His Wall In Dark Red Texas

Foreign Affairs

Though not required for domestic consumption, I would suggest a top-level meeting of Trump and Netanyahu of Israel. They would need to establish a common understanding of the state of affairs in the Middle East and where Trump wants to take America.

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