Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Judge Barrett

First, I apologize for spelling her name incorrectly in prior writing. I
simply didn't know the proper way.

Second, from what I've seen yesterday and today it appears she is an
"ivory tower" intellectual from her life experience teaching and that as
a judge she is far too inexperienced to know the ways of the political
world and the dangers that poses to our Democracy. Questioning by
several Democratic senators clearly caused her great pause. She didn't
know that Supreme Court justices are NOT bound by the same rules of
conduct as lower judges or members of Congress. She didn't understand
that cases are not only brought by an individual who has a grievance,
but they are often brought (these days) by political and financial
interests who pay for the creation of law firms which find individuals
who have a grievance they can use or even Justices who have an agenda.
Sen. Whitehouse showed that clearly with an explanation of how Justice
Alito created an opening to overturn a precedent.

Third, it's really odd that with judge Barrett there would be three (3)
Justices appointed by Republicans who had worked on the famous/infamous
Bush v. Gore case. Yes, judge Amy worked on that famous case too. Did
she think it was a coincidence? She wouldn't answer. She acted as though
it were new information she had never considered. How could that be? Is
she a cynical liar or so naive that she's just a "useful idiot" to the
Right-Wingers, fascists, and moneyed interests?

I don't know whether to believe she will be alright as a Justice because
she's more of an idealist (even if a badly founded one) or more of a
danger because she's being used and maybe willingly to institute
dramatic changes which the public at large doesn't want.

Mark Hathaway

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