Thursday, May 31, 2018

When Will Black Lives Matter?

They shot and killed him for playing loud music. Where is Equal Justice Under the Law?

Would this go unnoticed if it were a black cop shooting a white man?

Car, Meet Stoplight; Stoplight, Meet Car

In The U.K. they're testing some new traffic light technology. They want the lights to help people drive at the appropriate speed to get through a light without having to stop. In America we know this technology as the gas pedal, but over there they intend to use something a bit more sophisticated.

Maybe we can catch up some day. "We're number ....

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Macron and Putin: After a Bit of Reflection

Sometimes people talk past each other, even when they're trying to find a meeting of the minds. I think that's natural. Language is difficult and when people are from different cultures there is even more to consider.

I have a view of how the world's security and economic systems should work and the early reports from the Macron and Putin meeting seem to indicate Macron had his own idealistic view/goals for the long term and it overlaps my own views to a large extent. But, Putin was focused much more on the short-term issues. We all know he has a long-term vision for Russia and that vision was clarified a bit, but he was mostly focused on Syria, Iran, economic sanctions hurting Russia, and what his next step(s) should be.

My differences with Macron: I don't see the anchoring of Russia to Europe as an ideal for any time period I can imagine. I know France and Russia have always had a strong relationship, not entirely unlike their relationship with America. But, the recent past of the Soviet Union and the recent plans of Putin to establish a New Russia would seem to preclude establishing very close ties.

That is not to say we can't work toward better relations. Somewhat like the development with N. Korea, we should take small steps forward and try to establish a relationship built on real actions, agreements kept, and international Law upheld.

So, given that, let's look at Putin's goals and positions.

My differences with Putin: I haven't seen a report that he suggested he wants to pay Ukraine rent for using Croatia. Instead he has built a rather large bridge to link Russia to Croatia and (no doubt) to provide a way to supply Croatia with more military supplies. That bridge is a fragile link which a few bombs would destroy overnight. Russia would do well to establish a proper relationship with Ukraine or continue to suffer mightily for having broken international rules on conquering territory. Croatia is owned by Ukraine. Deal with that. If Putin cannot find a way to obey law, then how could anyone consider close relations with him? He doesn't allow it.

Putin has also said he wants to grow Russia and its power (in some ways that is entirely normal and to be expected). Eastern European countries need to grow stronger, so that they can withstand that force. Currently, Germany struggles along with some other European countries which have a dependence on Russian natural gas. That's an unbearable addiction which leaves them all very vulnerable. How can Putin become part of Europe when he holds it like a small bird in his hand and constantly threatens to crush it?

Putin has recently upheld Russia's position in Syria at the expense of Syrian people who die regularly at the hands of its leader Assad. Clearly Putin believes in nationalistic interests over international law. Assad needs to be removed from power and replaced with someone who will stop the killing. Putin has no interest in the larger international order and law. They use the United Nations to block the upholding of law and order. The destruction of some of Syria's chemical weapons capability was an exception to the general Russian policy. It didn't much affect Russia's interests there.

Putin has some kind of relationship with Iran and Turkey and perhaps even Israel and it isn't entirely clear their intentions, except that Israel (and particularly Netanyahu) seems to want to start a war with Iran and draw America into it. That doesn't serve anyone's interests except perhaps Israel's. It would be a disaster nearly on the scale of a World War. America should stand back and let them fight that war themselves if they want to start it. Israel has already attacked Iranians in Syria and Iranians have attacked some Israeli positions. It isn't entirely clear that Netanyahu isn't using this entirely for political purposes. He has been the subject of an investigation and he may have doubt of his domestic political support.

Turkey and Israel are in a curious position. Israel has had its long-standing friends and foes in the Middle-East, but Turkey has been shifting from a NATO member to favoring Russia and at the moment seems intent on straddling the two forces. Israel had good relations with Turkey until someone tried to kill Turkey's president Erdogan and it may have been Netanyahu. They aren't on good terms now. This and Turkey wanting to kill Kurds in Syria and Americans wanting to protect Kurds and finish off Daesch in Syria makes for a mess, a dangerous mess.

My recommendations to all these parties (in no particular order except for Turkey to leave the Kurds alone before America leaves Syria):

Turkey needs to clarify if it intends to stay in NATO or to side with Russia. I don't think it can do both at the same time.

Israel needs to oppose Iranians in Syria, but to end their plans for a wider war.

Iran needs to back off and retreat from Syria to Iran.

America should make it clear to Israel that we will not help them if they start a wider war with Iran!

Russia needs to bring Turkey and Assad to heel to stop the killing in Syria.

Turkey should leave Syria and leave the Kurds alone.

America should withdraw from Syria.

The Kurds should be given a bit of respect for their work destroying Daesch and the Iraqi government should give them more autonomy to govern themselves in a region from northeastern Syria to north-eastern Iraq (where they are already located).

That's a lot which needs to happen and many of these parties don't seem interested in doing it. Only bad things can come from this mess if the parties don't turn their interests to more peace.

Perhaps after all this killing in Syria, Assad will realize that working to help the Palestinians and Israel find peace would have been a better path.

Macron and Putin: On Reopening the Iran Nuclear Deal Discussion

Emmanuel Macron veut retisser les liens avec Moscou -- Le Figaro

It appears Putin has agreed with Macron to reopen the Iranian Nuclear Deal discussions, but with the requirement that it be broadened to include discussion of the Iranian ballistic missile program and the regional influence of Iran.

This might be a hopeful sign, but other nations must consider this and react.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Trump Ends Negotiations with Kim BEFORE They Began

This is disappointing, but doesn't necessarily end the process we hope will eventually lead to a modern secure prosperous N. Korea and a safer world without fear of nuclear war. There can still be relations between N. Korea and S. Korea and outside investments with some future negotiations between Kim and another American leader. I suggested some time ago that Trump wasn't necessarily the best leader to do negotiations, so this was not an entirely unexpected outcome. The plan can still move forward.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

A Possible Future for Education

I've recently read several stories about new methods of educating and the most exciting seems obvious. It is that children should have a modern computer tablet with a User Interface (UI) like our current smart phones and tablets, icons and apps found on a "play store", "app store" or 'education store', and an electric outlet charger to keep the tablet powered (or perhaps a solar panel on the face of the tablet to keep the tablet charged enough to avoid loss of all data.

Tablet computers are cheap and we have an existing structure, so we just need the apps to educate the children. In India (if I'm recollecting properly) they are using "game apps" to teach and to keep the children interested. I can easily imagine a national or world-wide or even school district wide 'store' for apps of interest to that area.

We need to use our technologies more and to extend the paradigm of a "well-educated public" to more of the world. The technologies exist and are used widely and creating 'education stores' where apps could be found to teach language, history, maths, sciences, and all the rest, should not be difficult to create or fill. I could imagine a philanthropist or an open source public starting it at relatively low cost. After all, the initialization would be the hardest, most expensive part of operations. Once schools have initialized the student tablets, there would be far less data transfer. Of course there are updates of apps AND information, but that would still be far less than the initial distributions.

The initial distribution of tablets with the initial apps would be the most expensive part by far. That is where national governments would need to work together.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Free Public Transportation?

My hometown and the metro area isn't so terribly crowded with cars,
but the downtown areas of most American cities tend to get very

Here's an idea being tried in several European cities: free public transportation.

I wonder if such a thing will ever fit the American landscape.

Check it out!

Friday, May 18, 2018

A High School Shooting

It's incredible. Who could have ever believed this could happen? People would have acted to stop it.

How did a young man get his hands on a shotgun? That just can't happen. If anyone knew he had it they would have stopped him, wouldn't they?

Maybe one day we won't have to think this is all incredible, because it won't ever happen. That day is not yet here.

America’s unique gun violence problem, explained in 17 maps and charts - Vox 

A foreign government wishing us harm could hardly do more than inflict massive numbers of freely available guns on our people.

The Very Strange Case of Two Russian Gun Lovers, the NRA, and Donald Trump – Mother Jones

The NRA connection to the Trump-Russia scandal gets even uglier - Palmer Report

How Putin's proxies helped funnel millions into GOP campaigns | Commentary | Dallas News 

Memorial Day Sale Ideas has a short article with some interesting places to shop for Mother's Day.  ooops Memorial Day.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Trump ties to China and Indonesia

French language article:
Avec ce mega-projet immobilier en Indonesie Trump est lie à la Chine

This news article from Le Figaro (a French newspaper) says Donald Trump has committed to building a residential complex project in Indonesia, not far from Jakarta and that Chinese business interests will build a theme park there as well.

I thought there was a trade war with China. What happened?

Here are a few select quotes from the article with English translation:

"le groupe public Metallurgical Corporation of China (MCC) a annoncé jeudi la signature d’un contrat avec l’indonésien MNC Land, en vue d’édifier un parc à thème au sein d’un gigantesque projet de complexe près de Jakarta. Coût total de l’investissement: un milliard de dollars (840 millions d’euros)"

English: MCC announced signing a contract with the Indonesian company, MNC Land, relating to a theme park for the giant project near Jakarta. Cost of investment: $1Billion.

"le complexe, baptisé MNC Lido City, comportera des hôtels, des résidences et un terrain de golf qui porteront la marque Trump"

English: The complex, named MNC Lido City, will be comprised of hotels, residences, and a golf course bearing the Trump name.

"Si l’investissement chinois n’est pas directement lié aux projets Trump"

English: The Chinese business interests have avoided a direct tie to the Trump projects, but ...

"des brochures commerciales de MNC Lido City affichent clairement le parc à thème chinois et les résidences Trump comme les vedettes du futur complexe"

the commercial brochures for Lido City say clearly that the Chinese theme park and the Trump residences will be the stars of the future development.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Potential War in the Middle East

The U.S. military seems to be taking a very long time to finish off ISIS/Daesch in Syria. Is Turkey still trying to attack Kurds in Syria. I assume Russia still has some troops in Syria. Assad, of course, still has his military in Syria. Apparently Iran has some forces in Syria. Israel claims Iran has been building up and working with Hezbollah to prepare an attack on Israel from Syria. Israel has been shooting missiles into Syria to destroy (what it claims are) Iranian military sites.

The common denominator is that there are a lot of military forces in Syria, though each military isn't directly attacking each other military force.

Could that change?

If America is still in Syria because Donald Trump wants to spark a huge war with a Tonkin Gulf kind of event, then anyone working there who isn't interested in participating in that kind of melee should probably leave. But, what if anyone attacks U.S. forces? Would Turkey answer the NATO call to protect U.S. forces against Iranian or any other military forces?

It's time for everyone to leave Syria, return home, sort out exactly how evil Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump, Bibi Netanyahu, and some others have become.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Iran, Israel, Trump, Putin

Many Americans have feared that Donald Trump (and perhaps many other Republican politicians) are in the grip of Vladimir Putin. More recently I have begun to wonder if Israel (as well as Turkey) is also in league with Putin to turn the Middle-East upside down in war.

It has seemed for some time that Putin wants to destroy America and our relations with NATO and European nations in general. With recent moves by Turkey to become a more neutral nation with relations toward NATO and Russia, it brings all this into the spotlight.

Now that Pres. Trump has pulled America out of the agreement with Iran we have to wonder how this will become a war and whether America will be pushed into it by Trump and Putin, even if America has no real interests there.

Another party which is deeply involved is Israel. We haven't seen a lot of press about them in recent years because the focus has been on America's involvement in Iraq and Syria and a lack of interest in continuing the effort to bring Israel and the Palestinians together.

Here are some links to recent stories about the activities of Israel in regard to Iran.

BREAKING!. ISREAL Attacks Iranian Base/Syria - YouTube

Minister warns Israel could kill Assad if he lets Iran attack from Syria ...

7 Iranians now said killed in attack attributed to Israel | The Times of ... 

'Iranians killed in suspected Israeli strike' in Syria - The Telegraph

 Israel and Iran Are Headed for a Collision in Syria - The Atlantic

Israel Once Again Strikes Iran's UAV Base in Syria - The Washington ... 

Assad would be assassinated, Israeli minister hints, if he lets Iran ...

Syria, Russia blame Israel for airstrike on Syrian base that killed 4 ... 

PressTV-Israel will kill Assad if attacked by Iran: Minister

Clearly the Israelis are interested in attacking Iranians in Syria and recently Prime Minister Netanyahu tried to create fear of Iran by presenting an allegation that Iran has been cheating on the Nuclear Deal with America.

If we begin to hear Pres. Trump and his adviser John Bolton discussing plans to attack Iran, we should take that seriously. Bolton had said some time ago that Iran would be free by the end of 2018. Now he has some power to influence Pres. Trump, so he may be correct. It would be a disaster and everyone, friend or foe, tried to advise Pres. Trump to avoid that. Now he is on course to go to war.

Monday, May 7, 2018

I Agree - Reading the Website Usage Agreement

A French artist has made art of the User Agreements of some of the most popular social network sites.

The picture is from

The one at the far right that simply says "I agree" isn't a real one.

The others are WhatsApp, Google, Tinder, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram (from left to right, green to purple). I'm shocked to see Facebook doesn't have the longest one, but I've heard some people say that it is so convoluted that many people if not all have never seen all of it. They tend to give up first. Most people probably do simply "Agree" to get on with it.

Clearly the government which protects people from contracts and products with similarly long fine-print documents should take a look at these and provide for some fundamental and simple protections for users of all Internet website services.

Reestablishing Peace on the Korean Peninsula

Consider the Vietnam and German experiences.

In Vietnam there was a horrible conflict and America was involved to protect the Democracy of the South. It can only be called a complete and tragic failure -- for America. For the two Vietnams it ended in a reuniting of the country and today they have changed to become a better place. Which part of that story was bad and which was good? The first part was terrible and the second was better. It wasn't the success America wanted, but the approach we favored involved a disaster. Next, consider Germany, divided after World War II. There was no war. It was at peace. We did not seek to resolve that by conquering East Germany (because the Soviet Union backed them) and the West German part was a successful Democracy until decades later when the Soviet Union weakened their grip on East Germany and the two were reunited. There was far less suffering and despite our greiving for the lives the East Germans were forced to live, the nation reunited and today is a thriving strong nation.

Now consider the Koreas.

We are avoiding war, this time because of the tremendous dangers that nuclear powers present. That is an improvement over the Vietnam experience. It means the South has been able to become a strong thriving Democracy, as did West Germany. Unlike the German experience, in N. Korea the nuclear threat isn't likely to dissipate or dissolve in four or forty decades. But, there is a willingness on the part of their leadership to talk about another path forward. That is good. It has only been a few decades (1950s-2010s) that the N. Koreans have had a very difficult poor life. The question then is what method to use to avoid having to wait for the nukes to disappear, so the two nations can recommence good relations or plan for some future reuniting.

I have watched time and time again the Israeli - Palestinian peace talks fail. The message from that is that if the two parties don't want it enough, it won't happen. Golda Meir once said they will want it (peace) when they value the lives of their children more than their hatred for the other. In Korea I don't believe the two sides hate one another at all. That's a huge advantage when trying to devise a method or process for them to talk and improve relations.

I have always been leery of negotiations processes where each side creates a list of things they want the other side to give up. It becomes a divorce in reverse -- quite unpleasant.

What I am proposing instead of war or "strategic waiting" or bickering is to create lists of things each side WANTS TO DO for the other. When two people marry they may be asked what they hope to get out of the marriage and their answers are never that the other has to give them something as much as it is a request that they be ALLOWED to give. I believe the Koreans are firmly in that camp and want to work together for their mutual benefit. This is why I believe the first part of this must be between those two parties. They each know they want the other to benefit and they know their people and what they can give. Both have political security. The South has a stronger economy. The North has a population that can work and natural resources. The way forward should probably utilize those basic facts. Limitations such as the long-standing relations the North has with China and the South has with America will not be allowed to stand in their way. It is for them to proceed. When they have established better relations on multiple fronts and we have seen the progress, there will be a time for other nations to become more involved in expanding this process. How quickly these days arrive is unknown. We will know when it happens. When does Spring arrive? We don't know precisely, but we recognize it when it when it is here.

I think the first stage is being begun ceremoniously and that's good. It's like an engagement to marry announcement or a signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (a MOU, in business terms). The Korean people will do the majority of the work and international backing will arrive when necessary to keep it moving forward.

There are clearly things that each side could do to break it off, if they want. I would hope this doesn't happen, but everyone has their own will and reasons. Nobody can do more than pretend to know the future on that. But, if the good will is strong and the desire to proceed is strong and continuous, then good things can happen. There is no need to require the other to give up things which the other consider very important. That way only leads to acrimony.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Green Energy - recent articles of interest

Scientific American: wind energy is one of the cheapest sources of electricity and its getting cheaper

Solar’s reliability eclipses outdated energy | TheHill

With fast-charging, electric cars will soon match or beat gasoline cars in every respect – ThinkProgress 

This stunning statement from General Motors will keep Big Oil up at night – ThinkProgress

Arstechnica: Cost of wind keeps dropping, and there’s little coal, nuclear can do to stop it

‘Fossil fuels are dead’ says rail baron who hauls 800,000 carloads of coal a year CEO of CSX won’t buy any new locomotives for coal, undercutting Trump’s claims coal can be revived.

ECN: Batteries with 50 per cent more energy one step closer

Vox: The increasingly irresistible case for electrifying city buses America's Wind Energy Future Looks Seaward 

New study reaches a stunning conclusion about the cost of solar and wind energy – ThinkProgress

Solar powered smart windows break 11% efficiency – enough to generate more than 80% of US electricity | Electrek

Would you buy a 500-mile range electric car that charges in one minute? – ThinkProgress

Tiamat - making sodium-based batteries in France

Shenzhen shows the world how it’s done, electrifies all public transit with massive fleet of 16,000+ electric buses | Electrek

Hyundai unveils all-electric bus with 180 miles of range on a 256 kWh battery pack | Electrek

World's 1st Solar-powered Expressway in China to Recharge Electric Cars

Power Prices Go Negative in Germany, a Positive for Energy Users - The New York Times

12 major cities pledge to only buy all-electric buses starting in 2025 | Electrek

First 100 miles on my E-Bike: what I learned – Cognitio

Tesla big battery outsmarts lumbering coal units after Loy Yang trips : RenewEconomy


Plunging costs make solar, wind and battery storage cheaper than coal : RenewEconomy

EasyGrid - The Complete Off Grid Power Solution - YouTube

30+ Remarkable Ways To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint - Conserve Energy Future

Almost half of all buses will be electric by 2025 - Business Insider

Germany considers free public transport in fight to banish air pollution - The Local

Tesla deployed over 300 Powerwalls in Hawaiian schools to cool down hot classrooms | Electrek

Tesla is installing Powerwalls and solar power on 50,000 homes to create biggest virtual power plant in the world | Electrek

Stunner: Solar and wind power alone could provide four fifths of U.S. power | ThinkProgress

Vox: Taller, bigger, more powerful: new wind turbines are a marvel

Going Green: Norwegian Shipbuilders Turning to Battery Power – gCaptai Global investors are pouring big money into India’s solar sector US utilities have finally realized electric cars may save them

Portugal reaches 100% renewables, ends fossil fuel subsidies : RenewEconomy Apple says it’s now powered by renewable energy worldwide

DailyKos: New worldwide solar projects leave fossil fuels in the dust Tesla batteries will live longer than expected, survey finds 

Scientists Find Strange New Effect for Future Solar Cells: Flexo-photovoltaics - IEEE Spectrum India added more energy capacity from renewables than coal last year

Europe Takes First Steps in Electrifying World's Shipping Fleets - Yale E360

California to become first U.S. state mandating solar on new homes – Orange County Register

Friday, May 4, 2018

Trump Speech about Gun Violence in Paris 3 Years Ago

At a speech before the NRA on Friday, Pres. Trump said criminals will get guns and commit acts of violence whether a government has strong gun laws or not. He cited violence in Paris, France three (3) years ago.

What Pres. Trump didn't say was that the violent terrorists were coming into Paris via Belgium which had weak government (at least they did at that time). It wasn't French gun laws which were the critical issue. Since then France has beefed-up their security against foreigners coming into the country to do violence and there hasn't been a big attack. It was ADDED SECURITY by the government to prevent individuals from having weapons which protected them. Letting individuals have more guns is what allowed the Las Vegas attack where one man had many guns.

And it was lax law on individual gun ownership which allowed the Parkland, Florida shooting where school kids were slaughtered.

Pres. Trump is misrepresenting the facts about guns and recent violence with them. But then, he LIES about everything.

Meanwhile the Secret Service banned guns from the NRA event and there was no violence there.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Manufacturing in America - Recent History

I just read an article by Gwynn Guilford for entitled "The epic mistake about manufacturing that's cost Americans millions of jobs". The title is too long, but the article is easy to read and full of interesting stuff about the manufacturing sector in America and how we lost a lot of jobs.

"The subsequent increase in foreign imports and diminished demand for American exports resulted in a loss of around 1.5 million manufacturing jobs between 1995 and 2008."

Unlike a lot of right-wing party-line stuff, this seems to be based a lot more on technical analysis, some which hasn't been available to the public. It will require more review by the public, but if it's correct our manufacturing of computers has hidden from view, from those who read statistics and charts, a big change in the micro-picture of what was happening. It's as though someone today finally realized the rich have been getting richer for decades while nobody else is getting ahead. In this case, it's strictly about the manufacturing sector of the economy.

"Then there's the fact that there simply aren't that many robots in US factories, compared with other advanced economies."

Of course the robots which manufactured the computers were overwhelming.

"American leaders tended to dismiss the threat of foreign competition to a thriving manufacturing industry and minimize its importance to the overall health of the US economy."

Pointing a finger at the politicians ignores two other crucial factors: bringing China into the capitalist world meant we had less to fear from a Communist China and there were some very rich American corporations doing business with Chinese firms and making a lot of money from it. This was the decline leading to the complete fall of Eastern Communism. We even do business with Vietnam today because of these policies. It also ignores several other societal factors: more women in the workplace, Republican party policies to destroy unions (which they are still doing today), and more part-time jobs. The rich have taken advantage of the shifting landscape and have done very well.

"The lessons of the populist backlash during the 2016 presidential election didn't seem to take. As the US gears up for mid-term elections this year, the Democrats have no vision for how to reverse the industrial backslide."

That isn't true, but it does make clear more people must understand the situation and work together to solve the problems. Pres. Obama and Democrats began trying to improve manufacturing in America and it's up to Pres. Trump and Republicans to continue that. Unfortunately, Pres. Trump doesn't seem to understand international diplomacy or trade.

The article is well worth reading.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

IRS Computer Systems and Software need to be Updated !

Apparently there are some systems the IRS hasn't upgraded since the 1960s.
Gasp! Shock. Really?  yes, really

Now that Republicans are in charge there has to be a question of whether they
will simply refuse to do anything. let it drown. Drown it in a bathtub. People
will vote for us if we kill the IRS.

But then they have to realize that without the IRS there are no paychecks and
that's their money.

So, they have legislation going forward to fix some problems with their latest
tax reform and to keep the whole monstrosity rolling along.