Thursday, February 17, 2022

Wages and Inflation

There has been discussion of changes in wages and price inflation recently. Here are a couple of pictures from a post

[ Ignore the little arrow in the circle in the middle of the pic. That is just where it came from a video. ]

It shows that in December 2014 the inflation rate was below zero, deflationary. It rose to a peak around the time of the November election for the presidency in 2016. 

After that it bounced around from about 1.5% to 2.5%, up & down.

However, in December 2019, inflation dropped. The pandemic hit, though many people weren't told until later,  and the economy took a big hit. What happened next?

From about June of 2020 inflation took off. The pandemic caused a lot of problems for business, supply chains were messed up, products became scarce, and many companies raised prices to make up for lost corporate incomes. Many workers dropped out of the work force and companies had to raise wages to lure them back.

As of January 22, where the graph ends, the numbers don't reflect any improvements. The numbers are still pointed to the sky.

So tell me, how is this the fault of the Democrats or President Biden when it began in June of 2020, before the November 2020 election and the January 2021 inauguration of the new president -- Joe Biden?