Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Gambling or Investing?

Every thing I read about the stock market(s) these days is depressing and worrying. A lot of people say the computers and AI have simply taken us into a new realm where the difference between sophisticated investing and market manipulation happens in a split second and people are never
aware if their pockets are being picked clean.

Here's some discussion on that issue:

I think there are a handful of key issues which are repeatedly discussed: high frequency trading, options, shorting (especially naked), and massive volume of trading by big money players.

Friday, May 14, 2021

Recipe: Cinnamon Raisin Bread from Scratch

If you love cinnamon raisin bread...

I can't eat the raisins -- too much sugar in 'em --, but cinnamon bread is great.

I also don't bake from scratch, but if I did, this would be a great recipe.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Monday, May 3, 2021

Green Energy, EVs

I've been following the developments in EV cars, but without a lot of
focus. Up to now I've heard of this or that advance and it has always
been the right direction. The following article talks about a milestone
-- cheaper than the ICE cars (gasoline). They expect to reach this soon.

The other major barrier is recharging standards and stations. The Biden
administration wants to take a bite out of that one.

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Robinhood Strikes Again? Dogecoin Ponzi Scheme?

If they always own the coin and you're only betting on the underlying
value of that coin and they always stop trading when it inconveniences
them, then is it really legitimate?

Read the reddit discussion and see what you think. Congress is
investigating the financial markets, so this should be on their radar.