Saturday, January 23, 2021

Putin Fear

Putin believes he, and perhaps only he, is capable of guiding Russia to better days. However, Putin's fear is that there are enough people in Russia who agree with Ms. Tolokonnikova that he wouldn't win a fair election. Democracy suffers from his fears.

Friday, January 15, 2021

January 6, 2021, Washington, D.C.



A timeline of events:


The TV show Futurama kept Nixon around for comic moments like this one which might as well have been Donald Trump.


A major timeline of events of January 6th <---- START HERE 


Trump still (1/15/21) says he is not responsible for the violence of the January 6th rally/protest/riot/insurrection.

The Investigation so far:


Democrats call for an investigation of dark money behind the events


Who backed the attack? The money trail is complicated. 

Read this one for the comments. The article itself is quite short.

At least some of the money went through Bitcoins and France

     This is one of the most interesting.


This one has some nitty gritty about the Bitcoin money.

Is it over? Maybe.

Biden inauguration dangers?


NRA files for bankruptcy


Firefighter throws fire extinguisher and kills

   Ironic, isn't it?


Already rioters are being charged!


Some former White House staff are finding it hard to get new employment.

Given the way MAGA voters in Georgia thought the elections for senator were fake, Liberals urged them to vote for Trump, to be senator from Georgia. Will their stupidity work against them again?

This may be the easiest FBI investigation/round-up of all time.

But, the money people behind the entire "movement" may be a little tougher to identify with proof.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

National Security and Dealing with Trump

After the Insurrection Plan

A. Keep everybody safe while the evil-doers are stopped, rounded up, and
arrested. That includes their leader, Pres. Trump. Block their

B. Remove Pres. Trump from office and ensure his presidential powers are
removed. Charge, try, and put away the insurrectionists.

C. How to deal with the president?

1. He can be convinced to commit suicide or to resign. If the former he
should do it outside of the White House. If the latter, anywhere is
fine. I presume from events that he will not do this.

2. The next possibility is the 25th Amendment. This can be tried, so the
Republicans in the administration who do not support insurrection can
save face and perhaps to begin a reuniting of America.

3. If those things do not happen, then Impeachment by the House of
Representatives will be done and it will move to the Senate. Because it
is a legislative process it has begun immediately in order to be ready
as quickly as may be necessary. In this case the administration
officials will have no chance to save face, though Vice President Pence
may be able to act in the Senate. The Senate Republicans can state their
preference for the overthrow of the government through violent
insurrection or the removal of the president. Their votes will be noted
for the public to see and for posterity. [ Note: Notation of those who
did not vote to remove the president after the first impeachment will be
added to the historical record. ]

I hope everyone chooses the most peaceful way which can lead to a bright
future for America.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Saturday, January 2, 2021

It's Time For Some "Free Market Economics" in the Agriculture Sector

The Right has been arguing for "smaller government" and more "free
market economics" and when they collectively raised their voices, cashed
their government checks, and donated to the presidential campaign of
Donald J. Trump, they got my attention. It's time to return the favor
and modernize the economy of the agriculture sector.

Read some of this discussion on the topic.

Joke: Iowa corn farmers were nearly ruined by a wind storm that took out
their mailboxes.

America can't afford to subsidize their insanity that brought us Donald
J. Trump. It's time for some modernization of their economy.

Mark Hathaway