Monday, July 13, 2015

Trump to the Rescue?

When Donald Trump says he can make a better trade deal "for us" I have to wonder who would benefit from his or any Republican trade deal. In the 1980s the Republicans sold down the river a lot of union workers by creating trade deals which were good for big business, but which also off-shored a lot of union jobs. Now they're working for minimum wage at McDonald's in a "career".

Donald Trump has trumpeted himself as a deal-maker, but it has always been (obviously) trades meant to benefit his company. If he were president his responsibility would be to 300 million Americans, but would he know how to do a deal which benefited anyone besides himself?

Some people criticize Pres. Clinton for having signed NAFTA and he has tried to argue it was good for the economy, but it's hard to see good-paying jobs replaced by lower-paying jobs and not wonder if there isn't a problem with the American Dream. Are our leaders only capable of seeing 'the big picture' and not of analyzing a little deeper to see how well everyone is doing? It's ironic since most politicians are said to only pay attention to interest groups, but when it comes to the economy it seems they only see the macro-economic picture.

But, today the wealth gap is enormous and a lot of boats aren't floating at all.

It's time for a better deal for all Americans, not just those who don't look like Donald Trump!

Friday, July 3, 2015

Terrorists Learned to Fly. Will Terrorists Learn to Network?

At the local college there is likely to be an program (called IT or perhaps another name) which is teaching young minds about computers and networks. How likely is it that a terrorist, or the assistant to a terrorist, is learning about computers, networks, how to manage them, their weaknesses and how to destroy them?

And, if there were such people, here and there around our country or at similar kinds of schooling in other places of the world (and computers & networks are used everywhere), how difficult would it be for our national security people to discover them and discern whether the person studying is just like you & me or if that person has some other intentions we would disapprove?

Does it mean anything if that student does their Islamic prayers in the classroom in full view of everyone? Would it be any different if they prayed elsewhere? Would it matter if they had come from another country or if they were born & raised in America? How can you know someone's mind until they act?

I hope our government has been studying such questions and has some procedures which will help keep us safe.